Students and teachers traineeships abroad? For free?
Yes, you guessed it right! Apply with us until the 1st of February!
As we slowly enter to the new year of 2019, it is time for a wake up call and apply with us for the grant of VET Students and staff apprenticeship abroad and realize a professional internship in the school year of 2019/2020!
As you may have heard, the European Commission has just increased the budget for the call 2019, so more schools will likely to get the opportunity to send their students and teachers to another EU country to complete their professional internship.
What is Erasmus+ VET apprenticeship abroad?
The European Commission seeks to help VET participants with this framework to raise their labor market opportunities, develop their professional skills and personal competencies and help them launch their career in the world of labor by providing them a life changing experience abroad for shorter (3-5 weeks) or longer term (up until 3 months).
What Arbor Talent can provide you:
- A tailor made application form that will be submitted on time, until the end of January
- Well recognized workplaces from all over the EU, including sectors such as: IT, business, marketing, arts, mechanics, healthcare, agriculture and many more! Local tutors in the workplaces and constant evaluation of the activities
- Accomodation for the students in youth hostels and apartman houses with free
- Wifi, 0/24 reception, laundry service
- 3 times meal per day adjusted to dietary restricitions
- Optionial cultural progames on the weekends
- Local transportation tickets and monthly passes
- International insurance during the whole program
- Welcome dinner and orientation day
- Documentation and administration is our thing, we help you with the paperwork from the very beginning of the project until submitting the final report
We can guarantee you that all costs of the program are covered by the EU fund, so you don’t have to pay extra fee! During the application and realization period we are assisting you in everything that you need so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Hurry up and apply with us, gaining acknowledgement of your organization and share best practices within any EU countries!
Make sure you contact us right away and you won’t miss the deadline!