Courses for teachers and trainers

We provide you with the skills and knowledge to get the best out of your work

Arbor Talent provides courses for teachers and trainers in internationally current and relevant topics. Participation in courses may be financed by Erasmus+ programme.

Our courses


Sustainability in sport education

Course Overview This course explores the intersection of sustainability and sport, highlighting the importance of environmental, social, and economic sustainability in the world of sports.

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Sustainability in Education

Relevance: Our world is facing several challenges including climate change, environmental pollution, poverty and inequal rights and health and education. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

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Pupils with special needs

Pupils with special needs in mainstream classroom Relevance: Handling diversity successfully in every day practice, giving individual treatment for those, who need it, differentiation is

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Early childhood education

Pedagogy of Bilingual Education in Early Childhood Why is this important? Teaching children a foreign language might be challenging when that language is not spoken

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In safe professional hands

“I have been dealing with national and international projects, application writing, implementing educational and youth programs, institute development for 15 years. Learning international good practices and national demands founded Arbor Talent – I have been always dreaming on establishing such an enterprise, which provides real support with its competent and committed team to organizations and private persons willing to evolve.

Since our foundation, we have been proving that our commitment has no limit: we assisted the enterprises, organizations and other institutes contacting us to achieve 5.2 million EUR support in total. With the background of more than 50 successfully completed national and international projects, we are confident to face the new challenges."

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