Pupils with special needs in mainstream classroom
Handling diversity successfully in every day practice, giving individual treatment for those, who need it, differentiation is one of the biggest challenges in our professional life as teachers. Pupils with special needs or disadvantage (background are special, they) need specific treatments and approaches. The question is, how we can meet with these needs in our mainstream (classroom) curriculum, how we can adapt the teaching methods and environment for the successful inclusion.
Target group:
Every teacher agrees with the theory of inclusive education, and with the right of pupils with special needs attending the local mainstream schools. But the everyday practice is often full of doubt, difficulties and feeling of incompetence. We often feel that we are not prepared for this work. This course has been created for teachers who want to face their feelings of uncertainty, and want to learn new methods and practical catches to make sure the success of every student, including pupils with special needs.
- During the course we will be searching for the answers to the following questions:
- What does special educational need mean?
- What is a child with special needs like? Strength and weaknesses. How to help them improve?
- What are the steps of the diagnostical process?
- What kind of documents can the pedagogical work be based on?
- How can we adapt the curriculum regarding the individual needs of children with special needs?
- What are the good practises, types of exercises? How to cooperate with parents?
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, participants will have gained greater insight into the field of education of pupils with needs. The organizers provide not only theoretical knowledge by giving numerous examples of professional literature and websites, but also practical methodological issues. The participants will acquire the knowledge by recognizing the special educational needs, applying special educational methods that they can use in their own lessons, such as adaptation of learning materials, barrier – free tools, and encouraging cooperation among students. They learn how they can get help from other experts and what the optimal helping forms in the classroom can be. By the end of the course you will feel competent in supporting your students with special needs.
Why to choose this course?
We are special teachers with wide range of experience in the field of special needs education and inclusive school development. Owning to our special educational training and international experiences we are well prepared to understand mainstream teachers’ needs and help them develop their every day practice for real inclusive settings.
During the course we use cooperative methods, such as think-pair-share, jigsaw technique, etc.
We also use video modelling and good examples from different classroom environments. During the course the participants will have the opportunity to visit a real inclusive school, examine classes and exchange their experiences with the head of the school and other colleagues.
The schedule:
Day 1: Introduction (group work – story processing – Bank of special needs)
- What does special educational need means? Definitions, recognition, tools for diagnoses.
Day 2: What is the influence of the special needs for the classroom participation? (Case study analyses) Good practices analyses.
- Sharing opinion on the morning’s issue – discussing experiences, cases.
Day 3: How we can teach – from the differentiated planning to developer evaluation. Good methods to handle the diversity in our classroom.
- Sharing opinion on the morning’s issue – discussing experiences, cases.
Day 4: Visiting an inclusive school in the 9th District of Budapest
Day 5: Special elements of the cooperation with parents of pupils with special needs.
- Techniques to improve the social inclusion in the mainstream classroom.
- Sharing opinion on the morning’s issue – discussing experiences,
- Summarizing the course. My paths of development.
Planned courses and registration deadline:
- 24 – 28 April 2023 / registration deadline: 24 March 2023
- 24 – 28 July 2023 / registration deadline: 23 June 2023
- 16 – 20 October 2023 / registration deadline: 15 September 2023
For general information (prices, administration, additional services, etc…) please check this page: https://arbortalent.hu/en/general-information-about-arbor-talent-courses/