The period from March to May 2022 was exciting for us: we organised internships for more than 100 students from 7 Greek vocational schools. The students travelled to Hungary within the framework of the Erasmus + programme. Students typically came to us for a 2-week internship from an extremely diverse professional field, such as:
- nurses
- physiotherapy
- agriculture
- hairdressing, cosmetics
- management
- car mechanics technicians
- nursery nannies
- restaurant and hotel services: receptionist, waiter, cook, confectioner
It was an exciting period for both the students and the workplaces: in addition to the language difficulties, the different mentalities, work schedules and habits were challenging, which in most cases were used for the benefit of the internship: the foreign intern brought colour to the everyday life of the workplace, the students could have been richer with professional knowledge and experience. We are sure that all the students and workplaces have become richer after the internships.
We, Arbor Talent Ltd. also learned a lot during the organisation of the internships, and the attitude and friendship of our Greek partners cannot be replaced.
Our partners were: